What is Honorlock?
Honorlock provides on-demand proctoring services for schools, universities, and professional education organizations. Honorlock offers the convenience of completing exams from the comfort of your home or any other location allowed by your exam guidelines. Test takers have the ability to complete the exam on their schedule when the exam window is open, and the exam is available to complete.
Every proctored exam includes a link to live chat and support services. When you encounter a problem, you do not need to leave the test session or investigate how to find technical help. Support follows you through the exam and ensures that everything runs smoothly.
How is my privacy protected?
Your privacy is important to Honorlock. Honorlock only stores data required to verify your identity. No additional data, including grades, course information, etc., is stored. Honorlock is FERPA-compliant and uses securely encrypted protocols to save all data. Honorlock’s certified proctors and your institution’s or organization’s faculty or exam administrator can review test session videos until deleted based on your institution or exam administrator’s retention policy. For more information, you can review the test taker privacy page here.
Where do I go to take exams with Honorlock?
To start using Honorlock, head to the course page in your learning management system (Canvas, Blackboard, D2L, Moodle, Coursera, ALEKS, Docebo). From there, locate the Honorlock tab or Honorlock dashboard for the list of Honorlock-enabled exams. Generally, this is where you begin the authentication steps to launch proctoring once you have installed the Honorlock extension (Install the Honorlock Extension).
After completing the authentication steps, if your exam is located within your Learning management system, a small pop-up window will open and have a “Begin Exam” button. Your exam will populate, and you can begin the exam. (How to Use Honorlock)
If your exam is located on third-party sites like McGraw-Hill Connect, Pearson, ALEKS, and MyLabMath, you will complete the Honorlock authentication steps from your learning management course page. Once the screen share step has been completed, you will open a new tab, navigate back to your school or program course page, and locate the portal to the third-party site. This will enable you to access that site without needing login credentials. (How to Use Honorlock with a Universal Exam)
What do I need to know before taking my exam?
Before taking your exam, ensure that your device meets our system requirements by using the system check at honorlock.com/support. Ensure your device is charged or plugged in and you have a stable internet connection. You must use Google Chrome for your exam. It is recommended that Chrome be updated to the newest version before the start of the authentication steps. You can check for Chrome updates here. It is recommended test takers take their exams in a quiet, private location with adequate lighting to limit potential flags or distractions.
Why do I need a Photo ID? What forms of ID are acceptable?
Honorlock verifies the name on your ID to ensure you are the correct test taker and log a photo of the ID. You can use any government-issued ID (e.g., driver’s license, passport) or a student ID with your photo and name on it. For Honorlock to validate your ID, you need to ensure it is in English (Latin characters). If you do not have an ID with your name in English, you must contact your instructor or exam administrator. They may add an accommodation to an exam, allowing the ID.
The How to Complete ID Verification article provides information on completing the ID verification process.
What if something goes wrong during my exam?
Honorlock offers technical support 24/7/365 days to assist test takers before, during, and after their proctored tests. If you need assistance, click the chat bubble at the lower right corner of your screen, and one of our helpful support agents will be there!
Do I need to install anything to take my exam with Honorlock?
Before taking an exam you must download the Honorlock Chrome extension. This extension is installed within Chrome and monitors your Chrome web browser while you are taking the proctored test. You can remove the Honorlock extension as soon as your exam is submitted.
Download Chrome here.
Download the extension here
What equipment is needed?
You will need a working webcam, microphone, and device that meets our system requirements. The minimum system requirements can be found here.
Can I use my mobile phone as a webcam?
Yes. You can use your iPhone as a webcam on the latest version of MacOS, or your Android Phone on Webcam Mode with the latest version of Android OS on both MacOS and Windows.
You can also use a third-party app such as Camo to use your smartphone as an external webcam for your computer. ****However, Honorlock does not officially support these types of apps and cannot provide technical assistance for connecting the mobile device or any technical issues that may arise during your exam.**
Am I being watched by a proctor during my exam?
Yes and no. Honorlock uses AI technology to monitor your session. If it detects certain actions, such as leaving the testing area, it may prompt a live proctor to review your session and, if necessary, communicate with you to address the issue. The proctor will assess the situation, help you get back on track, and send any notes about the incident to your instructor or exam administrator. After your test, one of our exam proctors may review the exam session for any potential violations, and the recording will also be sent to your instructor or exam administrator along with any notes from our proctors.
What actions might trigger a proctor pop-in?
Our AI system is built to ensure that you focus on your exam without any external distractions. You may trigger a live pop-in due to insufficient lighting, background noise, or an incomplete room scan.
What about accessibility and test takers with special needs?
Honorlock is VPAT-certified and fully accessible to test takers with special needs. Additionally, Honorlock works with screen readers if needed. Before taking your Honorlock proctored exam, we encourage you to contact your instructor or exam administrator to communicate your accommodation needs.
Does Honorlock determine who is cheating?
No. Honorlock only reports back possible incidents during your exam session. Ultimately, your instructor or exam administrator determines if cheating occurred by the video recording.
What are some of the most common issues I will run into when trying to take an exam?
Here is a list of articles that have been created to address some of our most commonly reported problems when testing with Honorlock
Mac Screen Share “not permitted” error