If your institution or organization utilizes test centers for exam administration, we have provided suggested Honorlock settings and resources for the following scenarios:
Scenario 1: All Test Takers in the Testing Center
Scenario 2: Testing Center Exception (Disabling Online Proctoring)
Scenario 1: All Test Takers in the Testing Center
If you are administering an exam in a test center, where all test takers will likely be present, there are some features you may want to consider using with Honorlock. Below are suggested settings for most test center use cases.
Proctoring Settings
Test Taker Photo & Test Taker ID - When both Test Taker Photo and Test Taker ID are enabled, Honorlock can be used to verify identification. Test takers must center their face into the frames provided and select "Take Photo" to capture their image. This photo is used to verify the test taker's identity during the exam. Honorlock verifies the name on the test taker ID to ensure the correct test taker and logs a photo of the ID. The test taker can use any government-issued ID (e.g., driver's license, passport) or a test taker ID with their photo. The exam administrator may want to use this feature if there is no plan to log in-person attendance and test center computers have a camera available.
BrowserGuard - When enabled, BrowserGuardTM will prevent test takers from accessing websites or browser tabs, using other applications, or resizing the test page window to less than 90% of the screen.
Disable Copy/Paste - When enabled, Disable Copy/Paste will prevent test takers from right-clicking and extracting questions to another application and pasting text stored in their clipboard prior to the assessment.
Disable Printing - When enabled, Disable Printing will prevent test takers from printing any of the exam contents.
Allowed Site URL - When enabled, Allowed Site URL allows test takers access to a website URL. Follow the onscreen instructions to add the allowed website(s). Please remember that the more granular the website URL, the better control over what content can be accessed. For example, include the full URL link to limit test takers to one particular internet resource and not the entire website’s library.
Record Web Traffic -When enabled, Record Web Traffic logs and monitors the browser activity in Google Chrome during the exam. This allows exam administrators to review test takers' web activity while taking their assessments.
Test Taker Guidelines
Enable the Public Setting to avoid flags for multiple people in the testing area. Honorlock will not flag exams with multiple faces visible in the webcam when this setting is active.
Background noise allowed - This permits test takers to be in an environment where other people are talking, or there is background noise.
Scenario 2: Testing Center Exception (Disabling Online Proctoring)
To ensure the integrity of the online exam for your test takers, you may need to enable certain settings that are not suitable for testing centers. If some test takers need to take the exam in a testing center, online proctoring can be disabled with a bypass pin. This scenario will walk you through the process: https://honorlock.kb.help/bypass-pin-best-practices/
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