Bypass Pin Best Practices

1 min. readlast update: 04.24.2024

Please Note: The Bypass Pin is unique to each exam and is only available with native LMS exams (not third party exams). Please reach out to your Honorlock Success Manager to retrieve the pin. 

To promote our mission of serving all test takers, Honorlock has an accessibility code that bypasses Honorlock proctoring when necessary. This code should only be input by an instructor, exam administrator, or proctor to maintain the exam's integrity

1) The test taker must first add the Honorlock Chrome extension from within the Google Chrome browser. This is an essential step, as it will provide the tools necessary to disengage proctoring. 

2) With the extension installed, navigate to the Exam page within the LMS, and locate the Accessibility link under Data Collection & Use.


3) In the input that appears, enter the provided Accessibility Code. Please note that this pin should never be shared with test takers and should be entered by the instructor or exam administrator overseeing the exam.


4) Honorlock will now be turned off for the exam attempt. If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact Honorlock's support team.

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