Create a Third Party Exam

9 min. readlast update: 07.25.2024

Through Honorlock in your primary Learning Management System, you have the option to offer proctored exams given in numerous third-party platforms such as Pearson MyMathLab, McGraw-Hill Connect, and WebAssign.

How to Create a Third-Party Exam

1) Navigate to Honorlock in your Learning Management System.  

2) Locate and click the three white horizontal lines in the top right of the LTI. 

3) Click Register Third Party Exam.

4) Name the Exam to match the name of the exam being administered within the third-party platform.

5) Next, set the Exam Start and Exam End times to match the start and end times of the exam being administered within the third-party platform.

6) On the Exam Platform drop-down, select your Third Party Platform that applies to how your testers will ultimately access the exam from our list of options:

  • Access Through the LMS
  • MyMathLab

  • ALEKS*

  • McGraw-Hill Connect*

  • WebAssign (Cengage)

  • CollegeSuccess

  • Use Another Platform

    • If your exam platform does not match the above option, select this option. You will be required to provide the name of the Exam Platform so your tester takers will know what site or platform to navigate. If you include a Direct Exam URL, they will also be prompted to navigate to that URL.

Example of Access Through the LMS

Example of use other platform and note in the Exam Platform name with direction on how to access the exam.

If you select one of the commonly used platform names, the Platform Name will be automatically populated for you.  


7) The exam URL link is optional, if the third-party site is integrated into the school LMS, do not add the exam URL link.  In exam platform field, enter the information how the test taker will access the third-party site from the LMS. In the example below, Open a new tab, Locate the third-party site from the course page and access the exam is entered in the platform field.

If the third-party site is not integrated into the LMS, and test takers know their login information, the third-party URL can be added, as this URL will take the student to the third-party login page.

What the test taker will see after completing the screen share step.

Note: Example of URL where the third-party site is not integrated into the LMS and the test taker will be taken to the login page for the third-party site.


Example of exam URL added to populate a button to take the test taker to the third-party login page.

8) For all third-party exams, Honorlock requires a password to be set to prevent tester takers from bypassing the Honorlock authentication. This password must not be shared with any test takers. To register a third-party exam with Honorlock, set a password in your third-party platform for the exam. This password should be unique to the exam, meaning you should not use the same password for all exams in your third-party platform. After setting the password, copy and paste it under the "Exam Password" field in Honorlock.

Note: If you do not set a password for the exam, test takers will be able to start it unproctored.

 9) Select your preferred proctoring settings for the exam. The Proctoring Settings section of this guide provides an in-depth explanation of each option.

10) Enable the Student Guidelines and clarifying information in the Additional Instructions section. Add any Accommodation information as well. For more information, please visit Accommodations with Honorlock.

For an in-depth explanation of each of these options, please scroll down to the Student Guidelines section of this guide.

11) Make sure to click the blue Create button to save your settings. Your third-party exam is now created and enabled with Honorlock! Third-party exams will be identified with a third-party exam icon.


Test takers may not understand the third-party testing procedure. The following suggested exam guidelines may help test takers through the process.  

  1. Test takers need to know where to start the third-party exam process, the Honorlock LTI/Tab.  This information along with the third-party testing process can be inserted into the syllabus or course announcements.  This article can be shared with the test takers to walk them through the third-party process: 
  2. Test takers will not need an access or password to access the third-party exam.  If the test taker is presented with the access code/password field, they have not launched proctoring.  The test takers must launch proctoring from the Honorlock Tab/dashboard/folder.  The test taker can contact Honorlock support for assistance in locating the Honorlock Tab/dashbord/folder at

Proctoring Settings

  • Record Webcam - Records HD video of the test taker’s face and testing environment using the webcam built into their device or external webcam.
  • Record Screen - Records HD video of the test taker’s laptop or desktop screen.
  • Record Web Traffic- Logs and monitors the browser activity in Google Chrome during the exam.
  • Student Photo - Requires the test taker to take a still picture prior to taking their assessment.
  • Student ID - Requires the test taker to take a picture with their webcam of their government-issued photo ID, or their test taker photo ID. Honorlock will ensure the name on the ID matches the name within the LMS.
  • Room Scan: This requires the test taker to show a 360-degree view of their testing environment, and there will be onscreen messaging informing them of this. If you are requesting your test takers show certain items - blank scratch paper, their cell phone being placed out of reach, etc.- use the Additional Instructions Section below to detail what you’d like your test takers to do for the Room scan.
  • Calculators—Basic or scientific calculators are allowed during the assessment. Turning one calculator on will turn off the other. 
  • Disable Copy/paste - Prevents test takers from copying exam content and pasting it outside of the assessment. 
  • Disable Printing - Prevents access to the browser print function to print or export exam content. 
  • BrowserGuardTM - Honorlock's secure browser solution that prevents test takers from accessing additional applications outside of Google Chrome. Any attempt to access external applications will generate an automated flag to be reviewed when reviewing test taker results. For more information on BrowserGuardTM, please see BrowserGuardTM and Allowed Site URLs FAQ
  • Allowed Site URLs - Grants access via another Chrome tab to any sites that you add below. That could be a link to the e-textbook, DESMOS for an online graphing calculator, or a link to any other web page your test takers will need to complete the assessment. When adding your URLs in the box below, please make sure you click “Add Site” for each page you’re granting access to. Please include the link to that site or resources within the question stem itself, or the exam instructions so test takers can click on it. These will be available before the exam, before they launch proctoring, and during the exam in the test taker toolbar.
  • Simulated—Not proctored. This should only be used for low-stakes assessments, as it will simulate the proctoring experience. However, there will be no recording or flagging to review after the session is complete.

Student Guidelines 

These ten preset instructions will let your test takers and Honorlock Proctors and Support staff know, what is and is not, allowed on the assessment. 

  • Open Book Allowed—This option allows test takers to utilize a physical book or e-book during their assessment. If you allow test takers to use an e-book, you’ll need to include a link to that book in the "Allowed Site URLs" section.
  • Notes Allowed - Permits test takers to reference any physical or digital notes.
  • Scratch Paper Allowed—During the assessment, test takers can use multiple sheets of blank paper and a writing utensil.  

Test takers will not be flagged or have their exam paused for being partially out of view if Scratch Paper Allowed, Notes Allowed, or Open Book Allowed is toggled on. Test takers that are completely out of view will be flagged. For institutions or organizations that utilize our Live Proctoring level of service, proctors will not perform Live Pop-Ins on test takers who are partially out of view if the Scratch Paper Allowed, Notes Allowed, or Open Book Allowed toggles are on.

  • Restroom Breaks Allowed - Permits test takers to leave the webcam view for a short period of time. We encourage you to add additional instructions around the duration or frequency test takers can use the restroom so that our proctors can provide specific instructions to test takers if you’d like to limit those breaks. When Restroom Breaks Allowed is active, test takers can leave the testing area for up to five minutes without their exam being paused or flagged.
  • Handheld Calculator - Indicates test takers can use a handheld calculator but not the calculator on their cell phone.
  • Hats Allowed—Honorlock permits test takers to wear a baseball hat or hoodie on their heads during the assessment. It will always allow test takers to wear religious head coverings during assessments.
  •  Headphones Allowed—When this is toggled on, Test takers can wear any headphones during their assessment. When this is toggled off, faculty or exam administrators can expect to see a high flag in the session results if a test taker wears headphones during an exam. A Live Pop-In will also occur for LPI customers when test takers are wearing headphones (if headphones are not allowed).  
  • Take Exam in a Public Area - This indicates that test takers can complete their assessment in a coffee shop, library, etc., where other people are around them and noise is present. Test takers cannot interact with other people in the testing environment. When Take Exam in Public Area is active, Honorlock will not flag exams with multiple faces visible in the webcam.
  • Background Noise Allowed - Permits test takers to be in an environment where other people are talking, there’s excessive background noise, etc
  • Mobile Phone Use Allowed—When this is toggled on, test takers are permitted to use a mobile phone during the assessment. 

*Notice of Non-Affiliation and Disclaimer: Honorlock is an independent third-party tool that is not associated, authorized, endorsed or sponsored by McGraw Hill Education.

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