Device Camera Permissions

2 min. readlast update: 05.01.2024

If required by your instructor or exam administrator, Honorlock requires access to your camera and microphone to begin your exam. Your device may not be automatically set to allow your Chrome browser access to your camera or microphone in some cases. Please follow the respective troubleshooting steps for your Windows or Mac device if you see the error below.


Mac Devices:

1) Click the Apple icon in the upper left-hand corner of your screen and select System Preferences. 

2) Select Security and Privacy

3) Select Camera from the list on the left. 

4) Verify that Google Chrome is listed with a checkbox. If Google Chrome does not have a checkbox, click the Lock icon in the lower left-hand corner to enable editing and select the checkbox for Google Chrome.  If Google Chrome does have a checkmark, please uncheck Google Chrome and then check it again to enable it.

5) Then, select Microphone from the list on the left. 

6) Verify that Google Chrome is listed with a checkbox. If Google Chrome does not have a checkbox, click the Lock icon in the lower left-hand corner to enable editing and select the checkbox for Google Chrome. If Google Chrome does have a checkmark, please uncheck Google Chrome and then check it again to enable it.

7) After making the change, you will need to quit Chrome and relaunch Chrome before restarting your exam. 

Windows Devices:

1) Navigate to Microphone Privacy Settings in the Windows search bar. On the setting page, please verify that Allow Apps to Access Your Microphone is on.

2) Next, please navigate to Camera Privacy Settings in the Windows search bar and verify the Allow Apps to Access Your Camera toggle is on.

3) After making the change, you will need to quit Chrome and relaunch Chrome before restarting your exam.   

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