Reviewing a Summary Report

2 min. readlast update: 06.07.2024

1) Log in to your Learning Management System (LMS) as an instructor and navigate to the Honorlock LTI within your course. If you require additional assistance with locating our LTI, please contact your institution's or organization's Key Administrator.

2) Locate the exam you want to review. Click on the Results button associated with that assessment.  


3) In the top-right corner, click on Summary Report to begin reviewing the details of your student's exam sessions.  


4) The full report for your exam results will only become available once the exam's due date has passed. Within the report, you can review a high-level overview of the flags captured by our AI (artificial intelligence). 

The summary report's top portion provides information about Critical Sessions,  High Flags, and No Issues.  

  • Critical Sessions- Exam sessions where 1 or more violations were observed.
  • High Flags- Exam sessions with at least one high-incident flag marked by the AI (artificial intelligence).
  • No Issues - Exam sessions that do not have a violation.

5) Below the summary, each exam session will include additional information about the marked flags during the exam and the timestamps they occurred.  

6) The report can then be exported as a PDF, if needed, back at the top of the page.



The full proctoring Summary Report can be accessed and reviewed for both native LMS exams and registered third-party exams.


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