How to Troubleshoot the "State not Found" Error Message

1 min. readlast update: 04.24.2024

When checking the LTI in your Learning Management System (LMS), you may receive a “State not Found” Error Message. This error message may be related to the cookies on your browser.


To resolve this issue, we recommend checking your cookies and caches are cleared. Follow the steps below: 

1) Enter in the url chrome://settings/ into your address bar at the top of your Chrome browser.

2) Look for the “Privacy and Security” section and then click “Clear browsing data.” 

3) In the new screen that appears, make sure the only items checked "on" are “Cookies and other site data” and “Cached images and files.”

4) Set the “Time range” to “All time” and then click the “Clear data” button to clear your cookies and cache from your browser.

5) Check to see if cookies are enabled. Exit the “Clearing browsing data” screen and click “Cookies and other site data.”

If you have already experienced this issue and the above steps did not work, please contact our Support Team for further assistance.


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