Support for Canvas Blueprints is here!
Step 1: Success Manager enables Blueprints feature
Contact your Honorlock Success Manager to enable the Blueprint Course Sync feature for your institution or organization.
Step 2: Navigate to the Blueprint course
Within Canvas, navigate to the Blueprint-enabled course or Master Course.
Step 3: Go to Honorlock in the Blueprint course
Navigate to the Honorlock LTI, and the Blueprint-related panel will appear above the exam search if the course is a Blueprint course and there are one or more associated courses.
Step 4: Sync Honorlock Settings to all associated courses
Click Sync Associated Courses and all associated courses will have their exams updated with the appropriate Honorlock settings from the Blueprint Course.
Troubleshooting: Honorlock is unsupported in copied courses
If you are experiencing this issue, a Blueprint may be locked. Here is a quick fix:
Step 1: Check your Master Course to see if these exams are locked.
Step 2: If locked, unlock them, update, and save.
Reference this Canvas article for additional help locking course objects in a Canvas Blueprint Course.